COWG Member Anthology

We are looking forward to the 2025 COWG Member Anthology - celebrating the best writing in Central Oregon!
Would you like to be published in the anthology?
Send us your strongest fiction, nonfiction, or poetry for an opportunity to be published in a book representing outstanding writing in our community.
Would you like your artwork featured on the book cover?
The anthology will also feature cover artwork from a COWG member. Are you a photographer, graphic designer, or artist? Send us your favorite image that best captures the beauty of Central Oregon.
Enter your Literary Manuscript Submission & $10 fee via JotForm by May 31st
(The JotForm password is: COWG2025)
The $10 fee goes toward the cost of publication of the anthology.
Manuscript Submission Requirements:
~Due to space constraints, we will publish only one work per member. Send us your best piece!
~Save your submission as: Title.LastName
~Prose submissions of Fiction or Nonfiction up to 2,500 words (shorter pieces are fine as well). Fiction submissions may include self-contained novel excerpts. Nonfiction includes memoir, essay, nature writing, cultural commentary, etc.
~Poets: please send only one poem (two page limit)
~Include your name and email address on your manuscript (.doc or .docx only) - No cover letter necessary
~Double-space your manuscript using Times New Roman 12-point font (space poetry appropriately)
~Include a no-more-than-40-word bio (see form)
~You must be a current registered COWG member (you can JOIN HERE)
~Submit only original previously unpublished work
Send Cover Artwork Submissions directly to by May 16th
(There is no submission fee for artwork)
Put your name and title of your artwork in the email subject line:
i.e.: Paul Bunyan | Smith Rock at Sunset
Artwork Submission Requirements:
~The image size should be approximately 12”W x 9"L (the book trim size will be 6’’W x 9"L)
Please keep in mind when choosing your image: the right hand side of the image will be the front cover of the book. The remaining image will wrap around the spine and onto the back of the book.
~In order to keep the look of the anthology consistent, we are looking for photographs of the remarkable Central Oregon landscape, including mountains, rivers, or other scenic viewpoints.
~Send us a high resolution image that is at least 300 DPI or higher
~You must be a current registered COWG member (you can JOIN HERE)
~Submit only original unpublished artwork
~The winning entry will receive a free copy of the book
A team of professional editors will evaluate all submissions. We may be unable to publish all submissions due to space constraints, so please send us your most polished work.
The COWG Anthology will be launched in November of 2025. Soft cover books will be available for purchase (just in time for holiday gifting!). Please reach out to for any questions.
We look forward to receiving your amazing writing and artwork. We are even more excited to publish a collection showcasing the outstanding writing in our community!
Would you like to be published in the anthology?
Send us your strongest fiction, nonfiction, or poetry for an opportunity to be published in a book representing outstanding writing in our community.
Would you like your artwork featured on the book cover?
The anthology will also feature cover artwork from a COWG member. Are you a photographer, graphic designer, or artist? Send us your favorite image that best captures the beauty of Central Oregon.
Enter your Literary Manuscript Submission & $10 fee via JotForm by May 31st
(The JotForm password is: COWG2025)
The $10 fee goes toward the cost of publication of the anthology.
Manuscript Submission Requirements:
~Due to space constraints, we will publish only one work per member. Send us your best piece!
~Save your submission as: Title.LastName
~Prose submissions of Fiction or Nonfiction up to 2,500 words (shorter pieces are fine as well). Fiction submissions may include self-contained novel excerpts. Nonfiction includes memoir, essay, nature writing, cultural commentary, etc.
~Poets: please send only one poem (two page limit)
~Include your name and email address on your manuscript (.doc or .docx only) - No cover letter necessary
~Double-space your manuscript using Times New Roman 12-point font (space poetry appropriately)
~Include a no-more-than-40-word bio (see form)
~You must be a current registered COWG member (you can JOIN HERE)
~Submit only original previously unpublished work
Send Cover Artwork Submissions directly to by May 16th
(There is no submission fee for artwork)
Put your name and title of your artwork in the email subject line:
i.e.: Paul Bunyan | Smith Rock at Sunset
Artwork Submission Requirements:
~The image size should be approximately 12”W x 9"L (the book trim size will be 6’’W x 9"L)
Please keep in mind when choosing your image: the right hand side of the image will be the front cover of the book. The remaining image will wrap around the spine and onto the back of the book.
~In order to keep the look of the anthology consistent, we are looking for photographs of the remarkable Central Oregon landscape, including mountains, rivers, or other scenic viewpoints.
~Send us a high resolution image that is at least 300 DPI or higher
~You must be a current registered COWG member (you can JOIN HERE)
~Submit only original unpublished artwork
~The winning entry will receive a free copy of the book
A team of professional editors will evaluate all submissions. We may be unable to publish all submissions due to space constraints, so please send us your most polished work.
The COWG Anthology will be launched in November of 2025. Soft cover books will be available for purchase (just in time for holiday gifting!). Please reach out to for any questions.
We look forward to receiving your amazing writing and artwork. We are even more excited to publish a collection showcasing the outstanding writing in our community!